8723 abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
ACE Air Combat Emulator (computer game)
ACE Allied Command Europe
ACE Armored Combat Earthmover
ACE Automatic Computing Engine
ACES Aerolíneas Centrales de Colombia (Spanish, "Central Colombian Airlines")
ACES Auxiliary Campus Enterprises and Services of Alfred State College
ACF Administration for Children and Families
ACF American Car and Foundry
ACF American Culinary Federation
ACHT Average Call Hold Time
ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (in databases)
ACINT Acoustic Intelligence
ACK Acknowledge (telecommunications; cf. NAK)
ACL Access Control List
ACL Anterior cruciate ligament; the initialism can also refer to an injury to this ligament.
ACL Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice
ACLOS Automatic CLOS (missile control system)
ACLS American Council of Learned Societies
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU American Communist Lawyers Union (pejorative slang for the above)
ACM many, including Association for Computing Machinery; see entry
ACMC (U.S.) Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
ACN Airborne Communications Node
ACN Australian Company Number (number issued by the Australian government as registration of a limited liability company)
ACNA Anglican Church in North America
ACO Airspace Control Order
ACOBA Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
ACOM (U.S.) Atlantic Command
ACORN Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
ACP Air Control Point
ACR Advanced Concepts and Requirements
ACRI African Crisis Initiative
ACRT Advanced Concepts Research Tool simulator
ACS Alaska Communications Service
ACS American Chemical Society
ACS Association of Caribbean States
ACS Australian Computer Society
ACS Affiliated Computer Services (NYSE ACS)
ACSC Army Command and Staff College (various nations)
ACST Australian Central Standard Time
ACST American Cooperative School of Tunis
ACT Adaptive Control of Thought (cognitive model)
ACT American College Test (ing Program)
ACT Australian Capital Territory (also postal symbol)
ACT ACT-R/Perceptual-Motor (cognitive model)
ACT ACT-Rational (cognitive model)
ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
ACTF (U.S.) Army Constructive Training Federation