8723 abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
AGI Auxiliary Group Intelligence
AGL Above Ground Level
AGM Annual General Meeting
AGN Active Galactic Nucleus
AGO Angola (ISO 3166 trigram)
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
AGRICOLA Agriculture Online Access
AGS Alaska Ground Station (LandSat)
AGTS Advanced Gunnery Training System
AGU American Geophysical Union
AGW Autonomous Guided Weapon
aH Attohenry
Ah Ampere-hour
AH Attack Helicopter
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (obsolete; replaced with AHRQ)
AHEC Australian Health Ethics Committee
AHPCRC Army High Performance Computing Research Center
AHQ Air Headquarters
AHS American Housing Survey
AI Air Interdiction
AI Amnesty International
AI Artificial Insemination
AI Artificial Intelligence
AI Anguilla (ISO 3166 digram)
AIA Aerospace Industries Association
AIA American Institute of Architects
AIA Anguilla (ISO 3166 trigram)
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIC African Independent Church
AIC Animal Identification Coordinator
AICD Australian Institute of Company Directors
AICMFP And I Claim My Five Pounds
AID U.S. Agency for International Development
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIM many, including AOL Instant Messenger, Australian Institute of Management; see entry
AIMP Aurora Incremental Modernization Project
AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Committee
AIR Aircraft Inventory Record
AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act
AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System (obsolete; replaced with AFS)
AIS Australian Institute of Sport
AIS Automatic Identification System
AISB (British Society for the Study of) Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
aJ Attojoule
AJ Azerbaijan (FIPS 10-4 country code)
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
AJD Astronomical Julian day
AJP Allied Joint Publication
AJPW All Japan Pro Wrestling
ak Akan languages (ISO 639-1 code)