Educational abbreviations
7167 abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning | |
3RS | Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic | |
3RS | Relating, Representing and Reasoning | |
3WW | threewordwednesday | |
???? | Eearly Childhood Care and Education | |
A | Adjective | |
A | Artemis | |
A/V | Audio/Video | |
AA | Aakash ANTHE | |
AA | Activity Approach | |
AA | Alternate Advancement | |
AA | Angelus Academy | |
AA | Attract Attention | |
AAA | Active Accelerated Academy | |
AAA | Awareness, Action, and Accountability | |
AAACE | American Association for Adult and Continuing Education | |
AAALI | Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative | |
AAAM | Association for Advancement of Automotive Medicine | |
AAAT | Armand Arabian Advocacy Tournament | |
AAATP | Australian Autoglazier Accreditation Training Program | |
AABC | Alberta Associations for Bright Children | |
AAC | Advanced Activity Concept | |
AAC | Alternative And Augmentative Communication | |
AAC | Alternative Augmentative Communication | |
AACA | Asian American Civic Association | |
AACA | Asian American Cultural Association | |
AACC | American Association Of Community Colleges | |
AACE | Applied Academics Career Education | |
AACE | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | |
AACF | Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation | |
AACF | Arkansas Advocates For Children And Families | |
AACSC | Arkansas Apprenticeship Coordination Steering Committee | |
AACSC | Austin Area Charter School Cooperative | |
AAE | Aakash Anthe Exam | |
AAESA | Alabama Association Of Elementary School Administrators | |
AAESA | American Association Of Educational Service Agencies | |
AAFCE | Alaska Association For Family And Community Education | |
AAFCE | Alberta Association For Conductive Education | |
AAGC | Alabama Association for Gifted Children | |
AAGP | Alternative Assessment for Grade Promotion | |
AAH | Austin Area Homeschoolers | |
AAHPERD | American Alliance For Health Physical Education Recreation And Dance | |
AAIS | Adolescent Alcohol Involvement Scale | |
AAL | Anywhere Anytime Learning | |
AALAE | African Association For Literary And Adult Education | |
AALC | Ann Arbor Learning Community | |
AALS | African American Leaders Society | |
AAMRO | African American Mentors Reaching Out | |
AANB | African American National Biography | |
AAOCC | Ann Arbor Open Coordinating Council | |
AAPI | Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory |