English abbreviations from jcsan to jcss
- JCSAN (Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network)
- JCSANA (Jewish Communal Service Association of North America)
- JCSAR (Joint Combat Search and Rescue)
- JCSB (Joint Contracting Support Board)
- JCSC (Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee)
- JCSCC (Journal of the Chemical Society - Chemical Communications)
- JCS Chem Comm (Journal of the Chemical Society - Chemical Communications)
- JCS-D (Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions in Inorganic Chemistry)
- JCS-Dalton (Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions in Inorganic Chemistry)
- JCSE (Joint Communications Support Element)
- JCSF (Johnson City Sports Foundation)
- JCS FARADAY I (Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions I: Physical Chemistry)
- JCS FARADAY II (ournal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions II: Chemical Physics)
- JCSH (Joint Consortium for School health)
- JCSI (Joint Combat Systems Integration)
- JCSIB (Joint Chiefs of Staff Identity Badge)
- JCS IDENT BAD (Joint Chiefs of Staff Identity Badge)
- JCSIDIN (Joint Chiefs of Staff Interim Data Transmission Network)
- JCSL (JAFS Collaborative Source License)
- JCSM (Japanese Cultural Society of Maui)
- JCSNA (John Clare Society of North America)
- JCSO (Joint Chiefs of Staff Organization)
- JCSP (Joint Contracting Support Plan)
- JCS PERKIN I (Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions I: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry)
- JCS PERKIN II (Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions II: Physical Organic Chemistry)
- JCS PUB (Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication)
- JCSPUB (Joint Chiefs of Staff PUBlication)
- JCSQ (Jockey Club Student Quarters)
- JCSR (Jordan Center for Social Research)
- JCSRE (Joint Chiefs of Staff Representative, Europe)
- JCSS (Joint Communications Support Squadron)