English abbreviations from jin to jitc
- JIN (Jinja Airport)
- JINI (Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure)
- JINSA (Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs)
- JINTACCS (Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems)
- JIO (Ontario International Heliport)
- JIOC (Joint Information Operations Center)
- JIOCPAC (Joint Intelligence Operations Center, Pacific)
- JIOC-SOUTH (Joint Intelligence Operations Center, South)
- JIOP (Joint Interface Operational Procedures)
- JIOP-MTF (Joint Interface Operating Procedures-Message Text Formats)
- JIOWC (Joint Information Operations Warfare Command)
- JIP (Jipijapa Airport)
- JIPC (Joint Imagery Production Complex)
- JIPCL (Joint Integrated Prioritized Collection List)
- JIPMER (Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research)
- JIPOE (Joint Intelligence Preparation of The Operational Environment)
- JIPTL (Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List)
- JIQ (Qianjiang Zhoubai Airport)
- JIR (Jiri Airport)
- JIRA (Not an acronym but rather a truncation of "Gojira", the Japanese name for Godzilla.)
- JIS (Just in sequence)
- JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee)
- JISE (Joint Intelligence Support Element)
- JIST (Jewish Information Service of Greater Toronto)
- JIT (Just in time)
- JITC (Joint Interoperability Test Command)