English abbreviations from jmmf to jmsep
- JMMF (James Madison Memorial Fellowship)
- JMMFF (James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation)
- JMMT (Joint Military Mail Terminal)
- JMN (Mankato Municipal Heliport)
- JMNA (Joint Military Net Assessment)
- JMNLC (Joint Multi-National Logistics Command)
- JMO (Jomsom Airport)
- JMO(AIR) (Joint Maritime Operations (Air))
- JMOA (Joint Memorandum Of Agreement)
- JMOC (Joint Medical Operation Cell)
- JMP (Joint Maintenance Plan)
- JMPA (Joint Military Postal Activity)
- JMPAB (Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board)
- JMPC (Joint Medical Planners Course)
- JMPD (Joint Multi-target Probability Density)
- JMPE (Joint Mission Processing Environment)
- JMPF (John M. Perkins Foundation)
- JMPF/SPC (John M. Perkins Foundation, Inc./Spencer Perkins Center)
- JMPI (Java-based Message-Passing Interface implementation)
- JMPL (Java Math Package Launcher)
- JMPM (Joint Masters of Public Management)
- JMPO (Joint MILSTAR Program Office)
- JMPP (Java Micro PreProcessor)
- JMPS (Joint Mission Planning System)
- JMPW (John L. McKenzie: "The Power and the Wisdom")
- JMR (Joint Management Requirements)
- JMRC (Joint Mobile Relay Center)
- JMRO (Joint Medical Regulating Office)
- JMRR (Joint Monthly Readiness Review)
- JMS (Java Message Service)
- JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force)
- JMSEP (Joint Modeling and Simulation Executive Panel)