English abbreviations from jp to jpg
- JP (Justice Party)
- JP1 (Jefferson Plaza 1 (Crystal City))
- JP2 (Jefferson Plaza 2 (Crystal City))
- JP-5 (Jet Propellant no. 5, standard Navy jet fuel (F-44, AVCAT))
- JPA (Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport)
- JPAC (Joint Planning Augmentation Cell)
- JPADS (Joint Precision Airdrop System)
- JPAG (Joint Planning Advisory Group)
- JPAM (Joint Program Assessment Memorandum)
- JPAO (Joint Public Affairs Office)
- JPAS (JITC (Joint Interoperability Test Command) Project and Accounting System)
- JPASE (Joint Public Affairs Support Element)
- JPAT (Joint Process Action Team)
- JPATS (Joint Primary Air Training System)
- JPAV (Joint Personnel Asset Visibility)
- JPC (Joint Provincial Council of Chiefs)
- JPD (Pasadena Heliport)
- JPEC (Joint Planning and Execution Community)
- JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
- JPEP (Joint Planning and Execution Process)
- JPERSTAT (Joint Personnel Status and Casualty Report)
- JPF (Java PathFinder)
- JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership)
- JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG))