English abbreviations from jsac to jsh
- JSAC (Joint Strike Analysis Cell)
- JSAF (Joint Semi-Automated Forces ("jay-saff"))
- JSAM (Joint Security Assistance Memorandum)
- JSAN (Joint Staff Automation For The Nineties)
- JSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics)
- JSAPI (Java Servlet Application Programming Interface)
- JSARO (Joint Service and Agency Representative Office)
- JSAS (Joint Strike Analysis System)
- JSC (Joint Steering Committee)
- JSCAT (Joint Staff Crisis Action Team)
- JSCC (Joint Security Coordination Center)
- JSCM (Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum)
- JSCMI (Joint Service Cryptographic Modernization Implementation)
- JSCMIP (Joint Service Cryptographic Modernization Implementation Plan)
- JSCN (Jewish Small Communities Network)
- JSCP (Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan)
- JScript (Microsoft's version of JAVAScript)
- JSCS (Joint Service Combat Shotgun)
- JSCSC (Joint Services Command and Staff College)
- JSD (juris scientiae doctor (Latin, "doctor of science of law"))
- JSDF (Japanese Self Defense Forces)
- JSDFA (Japanese Self-Defence Force Agency)
- JSDMCG (Joint Services Dental Materiel Coordinating Group)
- JSDTC (Joint Strategic Deployment Training Center)
- JSE (Java Studio Enterprise)
- JSEAD (Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (see SEAD))
- J-SEAD (Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses)
- JSEC (Joint Strategic Exploitation Center)
- JSF (Joint Strike Fighter)
- JSFC (Johnson Space Flight Center)
- JSFCLC (Joan Scarangello Foundation to Conquer Lung Cancer)
- JSG (San Rafael Heliport)
- JSGA ((telescope/organization) Japan SpaceGuard Association, a Japanese telescope used to track near-Earth asteroids and space junk)
- JSH (Sitia Public Airport)