English abbreviations from oci to ocnb
- oci (Occitan language (ISO 639-2 code))
- OCID (Online Chemical Inventory Database)
- OCIDS (Optical Combat Identification System)
- OCIE (Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment)
- OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum)
- OCIR (Operational Capability Improvement Request)
- O. Cist. (Ordo Cisterciensium (Cistercians))
- OCJ (Boscobel Aerodrome)
- OCJCS (Office of The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff)
- OCJCS-PA (Office of The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff-Public Affairs)
- OCL (Quality Control Log)
- OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
- OCLL (Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison)
- OCLV (Optimum Compaction Low Void)
- OCM (Outline Of Cultural Materials)
- OCMA (Ohio Coin Machine Association)
- OCMB (Oberlin College Marching Band)
- OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center)
- OCMCC ([2] Orchard County MCC)
- OCMCI (Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Inc.)
- OCMH (Oneida Community Mansion House)
- OCN (Oncology Certified Nurse)
- OCNA (Ontario Community Newspapers Association)
- OCNB (Office of the Chief, National Guard Bureau)