English abbreviations from odbe to odin
- ODBE (Object Data Base Extractor)
- ODBS (Online Data Base Solution)
- ODC (Orthogonal Defect Classification)
- ODCB (orthodichlorobenzene)
- ODCSINT (Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence)
- ODCSLOG (Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics)
- ODCSOPS (Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans)
- ODCSPER (Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel)
- ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder)
- ODE (Ordnance Development and Engineering (Singapore))
- ODEN (Open District Electronic Network)
- ODEON (Oscar Deutsch Entertains Our Nation)
- ODER (One Day Endurance Run)
- ODES (Operation And Deployment Experiments Simulator)
- Odessa (Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS Angehoerigen)
- ODF (O`Donnell Foundation)
- ODG (Object Developers Group)
- ODH (RAF Odiham)
- ODI (Office for Disability Issues (UK government agency))
- ODIN (Norway's Field Artillery Control System - not an acronym)