English abbreviations from ofl to oft
- OFL (Operation FrontLine)
- OFLI (Other Force-Level Information)
- O.F.M. (Ordo Fratrum Minorum (Observant Franciscans))
- OFM (Old Fort Madison)
- OFN (Old Folks Night)
- OFO (Out Fucking Off)
- OFOCN (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Movie))
- OFOESA (Office of Field Operational and External Support Activities)
- OFP (Online Financial Publication)
- OFPA (Oregon Foster Parent Association)
- OFPP (Office of Federal Procurement Policy)
- OFR (Oregon Family Rights)
- OFS (Out Freaking Standing (polite))
- OFSA (Objective Family of Small Arms)
- OFSAA (Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications)
- OFSC (Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs)
- OFST (Offset Vertical Seismic Profile)
- OFSTED (Outwardly Friendly Sexually Transmitted Educational Disease)
- OFSY (Outstanding First Sergeant of the Year)
- OFT (Overall Flow Time)