English abbreviations from onu to oodpm
- ONU (Ohio Northern University)
- ONV (Österreichischer NaturistenVerband)
- ONW (Operation Northern Watch)
- ONX (Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport)
- ONY (Olney Municipal Airport)
- OO (Object-Oriented)
- OOA (Oskaloosa Municipal Airport)
- OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)
- OOB (Order Of Battle)
- OOBC (Officer Ordnance Basic Course)
- OOBE (Out-of-body experience)
- OOC (Object Oriented Concept)
- OOCC (Oamaru Ordinary Cycle Club)
- OOCL (Orient Overseas Container Line)
- OOD (Officer of the Deck)
- O.O.D. (Operations Officer of the Day)
- OODA (Observe Orient Decide Act)
- OODB (Object-Oriented Data Base)
- OODBMS (Object-Oriented DataBase Management System)
- OODPM (Object Oriented Design by Prototype Methodology)