English abbreviations from oov to opars
- OOV (Officer of the Order of Volta)
- OOW (Oracle OpenWorld)
- OOZ (Typo for 00Z; MOS for Command Sergeant Major)
- OP (Observation post)
- OP. (Optimus (Excellent, or Supremely Good))
- O.P., Ord. Fratr. Praed. (Ordo Praedicatorum (Dominicans))
- OPA (Other Procurement, Army)
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- OPADD (Ontario Partnership on Aging & Developmental Disabilities)
- OPAG ((organization) Outer Planets Assessment Group, a group established by NASA that provides advice on solar system exploration)
- OPAL (Online Performance And Learning)
- OPALS (Officer Projection Aggregate Level System)
- OPAMP (OPerational AMPlifier)
- OPAMS (Outreach Planning And Mobile Sources)
- OPARS (Operational Planning, Analysis, and Review Staff)