English abbreviations from opas to opex
- OPAS (Operational Property Asset System)
- OPAT (Older People?s Action Team)
- OPB (Office of Planning and Budget)
- OPBAT (Operation Bahamas, Turks, and Caicos)
- OPBO (Output Power Back-Off)
- OPC (Oropharyngeal candidiasis)
- OPCA (Olivopontocerebellar atrophy)
- OPCC (Oak Park Civic Center)
- OPCEN (OPerations CENter)
- OPCF (Operations Career Field)
- op cit (opera citata (Latin, "in the work cited"))
- Op. Cit. (Opere Citato ("In the work cited"))
- OPCOM (OPerational COMmand)
- OPCOMM (OPerator COMMunications)
- OPCON (OPerational CONtrol)
- OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
- OPD (Outsourced Product Development)
- OPDEC (Operational Deception)
- OPDEP (OPerations DEPuty)
- OPDOC (OPerational DOCumentation)
- OPDS (Offshore Petroleum Discharge System)
- OPDW (Objective Personal Defense Weapon)
- OPE (Other People's Experience)
- OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
- OPELINT (Operational Electronic Intelligence)
- OPEN (Online Park Enrollment Network)
- OPeNDAP (Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol)
- OpenI18N (Open Internationalization)
- OPERA (Open Process Engine For Reliable Activities)
- OPERREQ (Operator Requests)
- OPERRESP (Operator Response)
- OPEX (Operational Expenditures)