English abbreviations from opm to opra
- OPM (Open Peoples Minds)
- OPME (Officer Professional Military Education)
- OPMG (Office of The Provost Marshal General)
- OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language)
- OPMS (Officer Personnel Management System)
- OPN (Oregon Public Networking)
- OPNAV (Office of the Chief of Naval Operations)
- OPNAVINST (Chief of Naval Operations Instruction)
- OPNS (Operations)
- OPNS/OPS (Operations)
- OPO (Organ procurement organization)
- OPORD (OPerations Order)
- OPOS (Operating Procedure Outline Sheet)
- OPP (Out-of-pocket payments)
- opp. (opposite)
- OPPA (Operation Plan Package Appraisal)
- OPPM (Overlapping Pulse Position Modulation)
- OPQ (German WW II Battlecruiser class, never built)
- OPR (Office of Primary Responsibility)
- OPRA (Online Press Release Archive)