English abbreviations from opra to opsk
- OPRA (Online Press Release Archive)
- OPREP (Operational Report)
- OPREP-1 ((message format used for OPORD))
- OPREP-2 ((message format used for event/incident report))
- OPRES (Overpressure Log)
- OPRG (oxygenated fuels program reformulated gasoline (oil))
- OPRI (Oil Palm Research Institute)
- OPROJ (Operational Project)
- OPRP (Office of Physical Resources & Planning)
- OPRR (Object Property Role Relationship)
- OPS (On-base plus slugging (baseball statistics))
- OPSA (Owens Park Students Association)
- OPSB (Old Puget Sound Beach)
- OPSC (Oak Park Sportsmen's Club)
- OPSCOM (OPerations COMmittee)
- OPSDEP (OPerations DEPuty)
- OPSE (Optically Pumped Stimulated Emission)
- OPSEC (OPerational SECurity)
- OPSF (Old Pecan Street Festival)
- OPSG (Operations Planning Steering Group)
- OPSH (OPeration SpaceHog)
- OPSI (Overwhelming post splenectomy infection)
- OPSK (Optimum Phase-Shift Keying)