English abbreviations from opsk to opv
- OPSK (Optimum Phase-Shift Keying)
- OPSL (Oregon Premier Soccer League)
- OPSM (Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager)
- OPSN (Ottawa Palestine Solidarity Network)
- OPS-O (Operations officer)
- OPSO (Older People Speak Out)
- OPSR (Oklahoma Partnership for Successful Re-entry)
- OPSS (Orange Programmable Sensor System)
- OPST (Ocean Pines Swim Team)
- OPSTK (OPerational STocK)
- OPSU (Oklahoma Panhandle State University)
- OPSUM (OPerational SUMming amplifier)
- OPSV (Ostschweizer Poker Sport Verein)
- OPSW (Ontology Pattern for the Semantic Web)
- OpSys (Operating System)
- OPT (OPTical grade solvent)
- OPTADS (Operations Tactical Data System)
- OPTAR (Operational target)
- OPTASK (Operation Task)
- OPTASKLINK (Operations Task Link)
- OP-TDLAS (Open Path Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy)
- OPTEC (Operational Test and Evaluation Command)
- OPTEMPO (Operating Tempo)
- OPTINT (Optical Intelligence)
- OPTIONS (Office Professional Training for Information Organization and Networking Skills)
- OPTN (Operationalizing and Professionalizing the Network)
- OPU (Optical Pick-up Unit)
- OPUS (Optimising Public Understanding of Science)
- OPV (Observation Post Vehicle)