English abbreviations from oss to osu
- OSS (Operations Support Squadron)
- OSS (USAF) (Operational Support Squadron)
- OSSA (On- Site Service Agreement)
- O.SS.C. (Oblati Sacratissimi Cordis ("Oblate Fathers of the Sacred Heart"))
- OSSD (Organization for the Study of Sex Differences)
- OSSE ((instrumentation) Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment, an instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory)
- OSSI (Operating Systems Support and Integration)
- OSS-RC (Operations Support System - Radio and Core)
- OSSS (Office of Student Support Services)
- OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation)
- OSSV (Open Systems SnapVault)
- OST (Ostend-Bruges International Airport)
- OSTC (Open System Testing Consortium)
- OSTG (Open Source Technology Group)
- OSU (Ohio State University Airport)