Abbreviation a-p
Found 52 abbreviations in 1 groups
AP: Meaning | Category | ||
AP | Anti-personnel | military | |
AP | Armour-piercing | military | |
AP | Autopilot | aerospace | |
AP | Archimedes Plutonium | Chemistry abbreviations | |
AP | Albert Park | Community abbreviations | |
AP | Apprehensive and Paternalistic | Community abbreviations | |
AP | Asian Pride | Community abbreviations | |
AP | Astute People | Community abbreviations | |
AP | Attachment Parenting | Community abbreviations | |
AP | Academic Probation | Educational abbreviations | |
AP | Academic Programmer | Educational abbreviations | |
AP | Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students) | Educational abbreviations | |
AP | Activity Points | Educational abbreviations | |
AP | Adhesion Promoter | Electronics abbreviations | |
AP | Access Point | computing abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Artificial Paradise | computing abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Automation Protocol | computing abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | American Pie | media abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Anonymous Photographer | media abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Artist Proof | media abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Associated Press | media abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Acquisition Plan | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Admiralty Pattern | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Advance Party | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Advanced Projectile | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Air Pirate | Military abbreviations | |
AP | All Purpose | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Allied Publication | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Anti-Personnel | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Armor Piercing | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Asia-Pacific area | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Attack Position | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Average Power | Military abbreviations | |
AP | Animal Programs | Non-Profit Organizations | |
AP | Antarctica Project | Non-Profit Organizations | |
AP | Application Protocol | software abbreviations and acronyms | |
AP | Ability Points | sports abbreviations | |
AP | Action Points | sports abbreviations | |
AP | All Pain | sports abbreviations | |
AP | Annual Pass | sports abbreviations | |
AP | Assisted Play | sports abbreviations | |
AP | Adjunct Processor | University abbreviations | |
AP | Admissions Preference | University abbreviations | |
AP | Advance Placement | University abbreviations | |
AP | Advanced Placement | University abbreviations | |
AP | Advanced Placement | Acronym | |
AP | Air Publication | Acronym | |
AP | Andhra Pradesh (Indian state code) | Acronym | |
AP | Armed Forces Pacific (postal symbol) | Acronym | |
AP | Associated Press | Acronym | |
AP | Auto Pilot | Acronym | |
AP | abject poverty | Acronym |
Abbreviations similar to a-p
- ABI - Application Binary Interface
- API - Application Program Interface
- AVI - Audio Video Interleave
- A/P - Autopilot
- AOP - Airport Operating Plan
- APU - Auxiliary Power Unit
- AAHP - American Association of Health Plans
- AF - Atrial fibrillation
- AAAV - Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
- AAV - Amphibious assault vehicle
- AB - Air Burst
- AEF - Allied expeditionary force
- AEV - Armoured engineer vehicle
- AFV - Armored Family of Vehicles (US)
- AIF - Australian Imperial Force (Australia, WWI)
- AIFV - Armoured infantry fighting vehicle
- APE - Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (amphibious front-line reconnaissance vehicle)