Found 12 abbreviations in 4 groups
an: Meaning | Category |
| an | Aragonese language (ISO 639-1 code) | Acronym |
aN: Meaning | Category |
| aN | Attonewton | Acronym |
Abbreviations similar to an
- ANN - Annunciator – caution warning system normally containing visual and audio alerts to the pilot
- AAHAM - American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management
- AMA - American Medical Association
- ANA - American Nurses Association
- AONE - American Organization of Nurse Executives
- AAN - Army after next
- Amn - Airman
- AMW - Air Mobility Wing
- AM - Aviation Structural Mechanic
- AMO - Assistant Maintenance Officer
- AAIN - American Academy of Industrial Nurses
- ANNA - American Nephrology Nurses' Association
- AWHONN - Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses
- AME - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- AWAM - Association of West African Merchants
- AAM - air-to-air missile