Abbreviation da
Found 36 abbreviations in 3 groups
- Jump to format:
- Da (1 meanings)
- da (2 meanings)
- DA (36 meanings)
Da: Meaning | Category | ||
Da | Aerospace Drift | Military abbreviations |
da: Meaning | Category | ||
da | Danish language (ISO 639-1 code) | Acronym | |
da | deca | Acronym |
DA: Meaning | Category | ||
DA | Drift angle | avionics | |
DA | double action | military | |
DA | District Assembly | ghana | |
DA | De-Aerator | Chemistry abbreviations | |
DA | Democratic Alliance (South Africa)n | Community abbreviations | |
DA | duck's ass [haircut style] | Community abbreviations | |
DA | Doctor of Arts | Educational abbreviations | |
DA | Dielectric Absorption | Electronics abbreviations | |
DA | Digital to Analog | Electronics abbreviations | |
DA | Distributed Amplifier | Electronics abbreviations | |
DA | Data Analysis | computing abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Desk Accessory | computing abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Digital Audio | media abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Discerning Audience | media abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Dad's Army | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Dads Army | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Data Adapter | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Data Administrator | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Department Approval | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Department of the Army | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Detroit Arsenal | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Development Assistance | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Direct Action | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Directorate for Administration (DIA) | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Directors Assistant | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Double Agent | Military abbreviations | |
DA | Development Alternatives | Non-Profit Organizations | |
DA | Disabled and Alone | Non-Profit Organizations | |
DA | Decision Assistant | software abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Desktop Assistant | software abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Dos Apps | software abbreviations and acronyms | |
DA | Distance Accuracy | sports abbreviations | |
DA | Debtors Anonymous | Acronym | |
DA | Denmark (FIPS 10-4 country code) | Acronym | |
DA | District Attorney | Acronym | |
DA | U.S. Department of the Army | Acronym |
Abbreviations similar to da
- DTD - Document Type Definition
- DH - Decision height
- DEA - Drug enforcement administration
- DD - Differential diagnosis
- DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
- D&E - Dilatation and evacuation
- DAHA - dual-axis head assembly
- DAO - double action only
- DDA - Detroit Diesel Allison
- DDU - digital display unit
- DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency (US)
- DTT - driver training tank
- DU - depleted uranium
- D - Day - The unnamed day on which an operation begins or is to begin
- DOE - Date of Enlistment
- DT - Development Team
- DE - Destroyer Escort
- DI - Digital Imaging Technologist