583 abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning | |
AATUF | All-African Trade Union Federation | |
ABU | African Boxing Union | |
ACDC | Army Central Defence Committee | |
ACDR | Association of Committees for the Defence of the Revolution | |
ACI | African Culture Institute | |
ACID | Amansuri Conservation and Integrated Development | |
ACP | African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States | |
ACP | Action Congress Party | |
ACP | Assistant Commissioner of Police | |
ADB | African Development Bank | |
ADC | Agricultural Development Corporation | |
ADDRO | Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization | |
ADF | Alliance of Democratic Forces | |
AEFG | Aid Effectiveness Forum - Ghana | |
AFC | Alliance for Change | |
AFCAS | African Commission on Agricultural Statistics | |
AFDC | Armed Forces Defence Commission | |
AFF | African Freedom Fighters | |
AFRC | Armed Forces Revolutionary Council | |
AFWC | African Forestry and Wildlife Commission | |
AGC | Ashanti (Asante) Goldfields Corporation | |
AGCC | African Gold Coast Company | |
AGI | Association of Ghana Industries | |
ALPE | Alliance for Poverty Eradication | |
AMA | Accra Metropolitan Assembly | |
AME | African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church | |
ANUC | All Nations University College | |
AOMC | Association of Oil Marketing Companies | |
APP | All People's Party | |
APP | Africa Progress Panel | |
APRP | All People's Republican Party | |
APTI | Association of Principals of Technical Institutions | |
ARI | Animal Research Institute | |
ARPB | Association of Recognized Professional Bodies | |
ARPS | Aborigines' Rights Protection Society | |
ASP | Assistant Superintendent of Police | |
AU | African Union | |
AUC | Ashesi University College | |
AWAM | Association of West African Merchants | |
AYA | Anlo Youth Association | |
AYB | African Youth Brigade | |
AYC | Africa Youth Command | |
BA | Bachelor for Administration | |
BAG | Bar Association of Ghana | |
BARADEP | Brong-Ahafo Regional Agricultural Development Program | |
BARDEC | Brong-Ahafo Regional Development Corporation | |
BECE | Basic Education Certificate Examination | |
BG | Border Guards | |
BHC | Bank for Housing Construction | |
B.L. | Bachelor of Law Sciences |