435 abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
SNS Strategic National Stockpile
SOB Short of breath
SPECT Single-photon-emission computerized tomography
SSA Social security administration
SSI Supplemental Security Income
START Simple triage and rapid transport
Stat. Immediately
STD Sexually transmitted disease
T&A Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TB Tuberculosis
Temp. Temperature
TPA Third-party administrator or third-party administration
TQI Total quality improvement
TQM Total quality management
TRHCA Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006
TSA Transportation Security Administration
UB-04 Uniform Billing Form, modified in 2004
UB-92 Uniform Billing Form, modified in 1992
UC Urgi Center
UCR Usual, customary and reasonable (charges)
UHL University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory
UR Utilization review
USPHS United States Public Health Service
VA Veterans Administration
VAERS Vaccine adverse events reporting system
VD Venereal disease
VDRL Serology
VFC Vaccines for Children
VHA Voluntary Hospitals of America
VMBIP Vaccine Management Business Improvement Project
WBC White blood count
WHO World Health Organization
WIC Women and infant children program
WMD Weapon of mass destruction
WMD Weapons of mass destruction