English abbreviations from oh to ohms
- OH (Ohio (postal symbol))
- OHA (Overseas Housing Allowance)
- OHB (Operation HeartBeat)
- OHC (OverHead-Cam engine)
- OHCE (Oklahoma Home and Community Education)
- OHD (Ohrid Airport)
- OHDACA (Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid)
- OHDM (Office of Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and Mine Action)
- OHE (Mohe Gulian Airport)
- OHEA (Oklahoma Homebuyer Education Association)
- OHEAC (O'Gara- Hess & Eisenhardt Armoring Company)
- OHF (One Human Family)
- OHG (Official Hotel Guide)
- OHH (Okha Airport)
- OHHLA (Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive)
- OHI (Other Health Impairment)
- OHIO (Old Hearts Inspiring Others)
- OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan)
- OHL (Office Hours Live)
- OHMS (On Her Majesty's Service)