433 abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning | |
A/P | Autopilot | |
ABAS | Aircraft-Based Augmentation System | |
ACARS | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System | |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System | |
ACC | Area Control Centre | |
ACMS | Aircraft Condition Monitoring System | |
ACP | Audio Control Panel | |
ACS | Audio Control System | |
ADAHRS | Air Data And Attitude Heading Reference System | |
ADC | Air data computer | |
ADF | Automatic direction finder | |
ADI | Attitude director indicator | |
ADIRS | Air Data Inertial Reference System | |
ADIRU | Air data inertial reference unit | |
ADM | Air data module | |
ADS | Either; Automatic Dependent Surveillance or air data system | |
ADS-A | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Address | |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast | |
AFCS | Automatic flight control system | |
AFD | Autopilot flight director | |
AFDC | Autopilot flight director computer | |
AFDS | Autopilot flight director system | |
AFIS | Either; Automatic flight information service or airborne flight information system | |
AGACS | Automatic ground–air communications system, is also known as ATCSS or data link | |
AGC | Automatic gain control | |
AGDL | Air-Ground Data Link | |
AHC | Attitude Heading Control | |
AHRS | Attitude and Heading Reference Systems | |
AIDS | Aircraft Integrated Data System | |
AIXM | Aeronautical Information eXchange Model | |
ALC | Automatic Level Control | |
ALT | Either; altimeter or altitude | |
ALT Hold | Altitude Hold Mode | |
ALTS | Altitude Select | |
AMLCD | Active-matrix liquid crystal display | |
AMS | Air Management System | |
ANC | Active Noise Cancellation | |
ANN | Annunciator – caution warning system normally containing visual and audio alerts to the pilot | |
ANR | Active Noise Reduction | |
ANT | Antenna | |
AOC | Aeronautical Operational Control | |
AOP | Airport Operating Plan | |
APC | Auto Pilot Computer | |
APM | Aircraft Personality Module | |
APS | Auto Pilot System | |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit | |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated | |
ASD | Aircraft situation display | |
ASDL | Aeronautical satellite data link | |
ASR | Airport surveillance radar |