Open Standards
176 abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning | |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding | |
ABI | Application Binary Interface | |
AMD | Advanced Micro Device | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | |
APDIP | Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme | |
API | Application Program Interface | |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASF | Advanced Systems Format | |
AVC | Advanced Video Coding | |
AVI | Audio Video Interleave | |
BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards | |
BSA | Business Software Alliance | |
BSD | Berkeley Software Distribution | |
BSI | British Standards Institute | |
ccTLD | Country Code Top-Level Domain | |
CD | Compact Disc | |
CDDL | Common Development and Distribution License | |
CE | Consumer Electronics | |
CII | Computer-Implemented Invention | |
COTS | Common Off The Shelf | |
DNS | Domain Name Service | |
DOC | Document | |
DOS | Disk Operating System | |
DTD | Document Type Definition | |
DVD | Digital Video Disc | |
EC | European Commission | |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association | |
EEE [Extend and Extinguish] | Embrace | |
e-GIF | e-Government Interoperability Framework | |
EICTA [Communications and Consumer Technology Industry Association] | European Information | |
EIF | European Interoperability Framework | |
ELF | Executable and Linking Format | |
EPC | European Patent Convention | |
EPO | European Patent Office | |
ETRM | Enterprise Technology Reference Model | |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute | |
EU | European Union | |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | |
FAT | File Allocation Table | |
FHS | Filesystem Hierarchy Standard | |
FLAC | Free Lossless Audio Codec | |
FOSS | Free/Open Source Software | |
FSF | Free Software Foundation | |
FSG | Free Standards Group | |
G2B | Government to Business | |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | |
GL | Graphics Library | |
GNOME | GNU Network Object Model Environment | |
GNU | Gnu's Not Unix |